Jeff Newman Law specializes in representing whistleblowers who report fraud on the government, securities fraud, and tax fraud. We bring cases under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act, the Securities and Exchange whistleblower program, the IRS whistleblower program, and other government agency whistleblower programs. We work with clients to expose fraud by health care providers and suppliers, importers, government contractors, colleges and universities, and others.
- Healthcare Fraud
We represent whistleblowers who report Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE fraud by health care providers and suppliers, including pharmaceutical and medical device companies, hospitals, nursing homes, and physician practices. The frauds can take many forms, including the payment of kickbacks, marketing for unapproved uses, false price reporting to government programs, upcoding, and billing for procedures and services that were medically unnecessary or not performed at all.
- Customs and Tariff Fraud
We represent whistleblowers with knowledge of customs fraud, including undervaluing goods, misclassifying goods, and misclassifying the country of origin, all to avoid paying tariffs and duties. Our clients include employees of importers as well as competitors.
- Government Contract Fraud
We represent whistleblowers with inside knowledge of government contract fraud during the pre-procurement process (such as bid-rigging, price fixing, and misrepresenting company qualifications) and the post-procurement process (such as inflating the cost of goods or services, providing substandard goods or services, and improperly substituting cheaper or foreign-made goods and materials). We also represent whistleblowers who have information about companies failing to report major cyberattacks, as well as whistleblowers who know about research fraud used to obtain government grants.
- Securities and Financial Fraud
We represent whistleblowers with inside knowledge of securities violations and financial fraud, including insider trading, misrepresentations or misreporting in financial statements and disclosure forms, insufficient internal controls in publicly traded companies, failure of duties by investment adviser and broker-dealer firms, or front running. We also represent whistleblowers with knowledge of banks or financial services companies engaging in money laundering or failing to protect client data.
Whistleblowers are entitled to an award in successful cases. In 2021, the US Department of Justice recovered over $1.6 billion in settlements and judgments from whistleblower claims filed under the False Claims Act. Since the inception of the whistleblower program, the Securities and Exchange Commission has awarded more than $1.1 billion to 214 whistleblowers whose information led to the success of SEC and other agency enforcement actions. In 2021, the SEC made more whistleblower awards in FY 2021 than in all prior years combined. Since 2007, the IRS whistleblower program, has paid out whistleblower awards totaling over $1.05 billion. In 2021, the whistleblower program made 179 award payments to whistleblowers totaling $36,144,926.
If you think you have a whistleblower case and would like to speak with a member of our team, please fill out our online contact form or call us at 617-823-3217 for a free and confidential consultation.
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