Insider Trading and the SEC Whistleblower Program

Insider Trading and the SEC Whistleblower Program

Insider trading is an illegal practice in which a party trades a public company's securities (stocks, bonds, stock options, etc.) based on material, nonpublic information about that company. Insider-trading laws aim to prevent this practice and protect market integrity. Detecting, preventing, and prosecuting insider-trading violations is one of the...
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Global statistics across multiple continents to signify insider-trading ring.

U.S. Officials Uncover Three-Continent Insider-Trading Ring

A recent case involving an insider-trading ring highlights the importance of reporting fraud to the federal government. Under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whistleblower program, a person who voluntarily provides the government with original, actionable information concerning a past, ongoing, or potential violation of U.S. securities laws is entitled to...
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Former distinguisehed Harvard Business School Alum billionaire Raj Rajaratnam released from insider trading prison sentence two years early

Former distinguished Harvard Business School billionaire alum Sri Lankan American Raj Rajaratnam, whose Galleon Group managed more than $7 billion, and who was central to the largest hedge fund insider-trading rings in the history of the U.S., was released from prison two years early. He has been living with his family on...
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Securities & Exchange Commission charges investment banking analyst at Siris Capital Group with insider trading

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged an analyst at a large international investment bank with insider trading based on confidential information that he learned about Siris Capital Groupā€™s plans to acquire Electronics for Imaging, Inc. (EFII). According to the SECā€™s complaint filed in federal court in Manhattan, Bill...
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