How is China evading the Nvidia chip ban?

According to a Reuters article, the year 2023 was a year in which the Chinese military , state sponsored AI research centers and universities were heavily buying Nvidia semiconductors, hat are restricted by the US Government from export to China. Reuters looked at the tender documents and found that the transactions were engaged by Chinese suppliers. Nvidia denies wrongdoing and says once it sells the semiconductors to a company they cannot control what happens next.

This is a sensitive issue for the U.S. Nvidia makes chips called graphic processing units (GPU’s which are known to be much better than other products to handle artificial intelligence tasks because they process vast amounts of data required by machine learning . Reuters also recently discovered Chinese vendors who said they were able to buy excess stock on the market after Nvidia ships large quantities to big US firms or import through companies locally incorporated in places such as India, Taiwan, and Singapore.

The U.S. is obviously concerned about Chia’s progress in advancing its artificial capabilities beyond ours and what that might mean to China’s military capabilities. However, not much in detail has been written about this in detail, as it is likely classified. Please write to me if you have any information to shed light on this issue. Jeffrey Newman Esq. is an attorney whose law firm represents whistleblowers under the SEC, CFTC and FINCEN whistleblower programs. Persons providing original information to these agencies through counsel may receive rewards totaling up to 30 percent of a successful recovery made by the SEC, CFTC OR FINCEN and the names and identification of the whistleblowers are kept confidential. His firm also represents whistleblowers in healthcare fraud cases relating to Medicare of Medicaid. Attorney Newman can be reached at or at 617-823-3217