China has new high powered microwave anti-drone and anti-satellite systems

Jeffrey A. Newman

China’s NORINCO-North Industries Group Corporation, has developed a High-Power Microwave (HPM) Weapon System. designed in part to counter the growing threat posed by drone swarms.
The system creates high-power microwave energy to disable or destroy drones by targeting their electronic components. rendering them inoperable. According to reports, the system is able to detect targets up to 6 kilometers away and optically track them within a 4-kilometer range. Even micro-drones beyond 3 kilometers can be precisely locked onto and neutralized.Ezoic

Zheng Xuyang, an expert from NORINCO, explained that, unlike a conventional microwave oven that heats food within a 30-centimeter range, the Hurricane-3000 has an effective range of 3 kilometers, 10,000 times that of a household microwave. The system operates similarly to a microwave oven by emitting high-power microwave beams to carry out electromagnetic attacks on the targets, instantly burning out their electronic components and control units. The system operates at speeds approaching that of light, enabling near-instant destruction of targets. This makes it highly effective, whether neutralizing individual drones or inflicting large-scale damage on drone swarms.

The Peopleā€™s Liberation Army (PLA) is also pursuing anti-satellite capabilities, including targeting starlinks satellite system. It says this advancement marks a crucial step in Chinaā€™s military technology, enhancing its strategic capabilities in electronic warfare. China is actively developing space-based counter-space capabilities, with microave weapons as part of that arsenal. An article for the Journal of Strategic Studies, the authors mention that China is advancing ground and space-based microwave weapons as part of its soft-kill counter-space strategy, targeting satellites with plausible deniability and minimal escalation risk.

Here is an abstract of this excellent article:

Killing them softly: Chinaā€™s counterspacedevelopments and force posture in spaceJonas Vidhammer Berge and Henrik StĆ„lhane HiimThe Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, The Norwegian Defence University College,Oslo, NorwayABSTRACTChina is developing counterspace capabilities which may threaten US spacesystems. At the same time, its increasing space dependence encourages restraintin warfare. We argue that these conflicting trends have affected Chinaā€™s counter-space posture in two main ways. First, China is bolstering space deterrencethrough offensive weapons, as well as more resilient and redundant spacesystems. Second, China prioritizes soft-kill counterspace capabilities that can beused earlier in a conflict with lower escalation risks. Our findings highlight howfirst-strike stability in space differs from robust to tenuous depending on meansand targets, with soft-kill attacks being harder to deter

Jeff Newman JD MBA, represents whistleblowers nationwide relating to customs and tariff fraud concerning imported Chinese goods as well as corporate whistleblowers in major claims under the False Claims Act (Qui Tam), and SEC, CFTC and FINCEN whistleblower programs. He can be reached at or at 617-823-3217